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Foundations of Tong-Il Taekwon-Do Australia

Introducing Ourselves

Tong-Il Taekwon-Do Australia is a collection of well trained, highly motivated and internationally experienced martial artists dedicated to the physical, mental and spiritual development of its students. Founded on the continued principles of teaching excellence and providing personal attention, you will be given the best opportunities to reach your full potential.

Proudly aligned with the Unified International Taekwon-Do Federation under the auspices of Grand Master Hwang Kwang Sung, Tong-Il Taekwon-Do Australia continues it's strong foundation in the Art in it's purest form. Unified ITF is a modern thinking organisation continuing the teachings of the late founder of Taekwon-Do, General Choi Hong Hi.  International Recognition is afforded to all members and Certification for Degree Rank from First Dan through Ninth Dan, Examiner and Umpire classes A, B and C are afforded to our members as appropriate.